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Visited by 12 American Citizens: Batu Ruyud Now Batu Ruyud International Writing Camp

With the arrival of the twelve American visitors, Batu Ruyud has now evolved into the globally renowned Batu Ruyud…

Mei 24, 2024

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Who is Truly Harming Borneo's Forests?

The damage and deforestation in Borneo are largely caused by the greedy actions of mining and plantation entrepreneurs, as w…

Okt 17, 2024

Semuntai Bridge: Connecting Sanggau and Sekadau and Showcasing the Natural Beauty Around It

The Semuntai Bridge seen from above with a drone by Arbain Rambey. BORNEO TRAVEL  - Sanggau:  If you're traveling or o…

Okt 15, 2024

Why is Nasi Adan in Krayan called "Sultan's Feast"?

The appearance of the rice is fragrant and incredibly delicious. This organic rice from Krayan is often referred to as '…

Okt 14, 2024

The Enchantment of Merasap Waterfall: A Touch of Heaven Descending onto Bengkayang

The natural beauty of the Merasap waterfall, Bengkayang, West Kalimantan.  Photo credit: Dewi Liana. BORNEO TRAVEL  :  Disco…

Okt 13, 2024

Medicinal Plants in the Borneo Rainforest: An Unmatched Ecotourism Attraction

V arious medicinal plants in the Borneo rainforest. Photo: Author's documentation. BORNEOTRAVEL  - SANGGAU:  If you ever…

Okt 13, 2024

8 Ways to Preserve the Land and Earth of Borneo

Natural, pristine, and green—Borneo Island: don’t let mining, plantations, and greedy economics ruin it. Photo credit: Vermy…

Okt 12, 2024

Vero: The Charm of Dayak Women's Beauty

Photo credit: Vero's documentation. I knew her, when Vero — as she's commonly called — was the MC for TVRI Kalimanta…

Okt 11, 2024

The Charm and Meaning of the Two Hornbill Pillars at the Pontianak Cathedral

The Two Hornbill Pillars at the Pontianak Cathedral. Photo credit: the author. BORNEOTRAVEL  - PONTIANAK:  If you ever find …

Okt 10, 2024