Embark on a Journey to Borneo: A Wilderness Adventure Beyond Routine

Borneo traveling
Tips for Traveling in the Borneo Jungle

Are you tired of the city's monotony or perhaps planning your next vacation? I strongly recommend a getaway to Borneo, the third-largest island in the world after Greenland and Papua.
For those with a passion for adventure and
exploration, the tropical rainforests of Kalimantan in Borneo offer a thrilling
escape. Navigating through forests, rivers, and hiking hills with friends
presents a genuinely challenging yet rewarding choice.
If you're a first-time traveler to this
island, split among Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei Darussalam, it's essential
to gather some insights before your journey. Below, I'll share information and
tips based on my own experiences to help you plan a safe and exciting visit to
Borneo: Then and Now
The Borneo described by early European
writers like Müller (1825) and Dalton (1828) has undergone significant
transformations. Now divided into three countries – Malaysia, Indonesia, and
Brunei Darussalam – much of its once-pristine forests have given way to
large-scale mining, palm oil plantations, and settlements.
The legendary virgin forests have dwindled,
surviving mainly within national park areas, particularly in the Heart of
Borneo (HOB) at the tri-border region. Borneo's forests, still dense in these
pockets, harbor mysteries that intrigue researchers and serve as vital water
sources for the region's inhabitants.
One such crucial area is Danau Sentarum,
Asia's largest tidal lake spanning over 132,000 hectares. This wetland
ecosystem, located near the border of Indonesia and Malaysia, is home to the
renowned Super Red Arowana and numerous other freshwater species.
Exploring this unique and unparalleled
habitat requires caution to avoid getting lost in its vastness.

Borneo local guides
Seeking Local Guides

Even if you've arranged a tour with a travel
company providing guides, I strongly recommend engaging with local individuals.
If you don't speak Bahasa Indonesia,
finding a local guide fluent in English is advisable. Why opt for a local or
indigenous guide?
They can serve as your interpreter in the
local language (usually Malay and Dayak), with approximately 405 Dayak
sub-tribes residing in and around Borneo's forests, including those in the HOB
Local guides, particularly from the Dayak
tribe, possess skills akin to Native American Indians, known for their tracking
and hunting prowess. Rest assured, you won't get lost in the jungle with them.
Venturing with a local guide allows you to
learn about Dayak wisdom and survival skills in the jungle, as there are no
convenience stores in the wild.
Familiarize yourself with the forest's
offerings, including various fruits, leaves, mushrooms, and edible animals that
can serve as sustenance or even medicinal remedies.
Monkeys and the forest as your guides
If you're determined to venture alone or
can't find the right local guide, consider relying on orangutans, monkeys, and
the forest itself as your guides. Yes, seriously!
Learned from an Iban Dayak elder in 2009,
observe the habits of monkeys and orangutans for potential food sources. These
species never suffer from poisoning despite lacking pots and pans. You can
survive by consuming fruits and leaves they eat.
If you're thirsty and can't find a clean
river, cut a hanging forest root, known as "bajakah." It releases
mineral water suitable for drinking, and the Dayak people even use it for
stomachaches and cough remedies.
To avoid getting lost in the jungle, head
towards a river. Follow its flow downstream, and you're likely to encounter
Dayak fields and settlements. If you lose your phone, compass, and navigation
tools, look for moss on tree trunks. Thick green moss indicates East, while
thinner moss suggests West due to sun exposure.