Panglima Kilat Over Japanese Occupation in the Battle of Madjang Desa 1944 - 1945

Panglima Kilat (The Lightning Commander) hails from Simanggang. Photo credit: Herman Josef van Hulten, 1982.

If you're into historical tourism, you can visit Meliau, a district in Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan. Along the international highway from Pontianak to Kuching, at the crossroads in Simpang Ampar, stands the Pangsuma monument. 

Pangsuma was a comrade-in-arms of Panglima Kilat who fought and drove out the Japanese army from this area during the intense battles of the "Perang Madjang Desa" between 1944 and 1945.

"People were amazed by Pangsuma, seen as the hero of the Madjang Desa War. It's often forgotten in history that the true superhero of this war was Panglima Kilat. Who was he?"

Panglima Kilat (The Lightning Commander) was a superhero and unseen force in the Battle of Madjang Desa against the Japanese occupation and atrocities in West Kalimantan, particularly in Meliau, west Borneo.

Panglima Kilat originates from Simanggang

Recorded in history, at least in song lyrics, that the Panglima Kilat originates from Simanggang (now Sri Aman). The only known depiction of him is in the book Mijn Leven met de Daja's (My Life Among the Dayaks) by Herman Jozep van Hulten, 1982. 

If there are other pictures purportedly of him, they would be the original version.

Perang Madjang Desa was a conflict between the Dayak Village tribes and the Imperial Japanese forces during the Japanese occupation of West Kalimantan. 

Happening from 1944 to 1945 in Sanggau, West Kalimantan, this war was fueled by the arbitrary and cruel treatment of the Dayak tribes by the Japanese in West Kalimantan.

Pang Suma: more familiar

In historical accounts, people are more familiar with the roles of Pang Suma, Pang Sulang, Pang Dandan, and Pang Bujang (father of Mgr. Agus Mgr. Agustinus Agus, the archbishop of Pontianak); yet, the true mastermind behind the success of the Battle of Madjang Desa was the Panglima Kilat. 

Following the defeat and eradication of Japanese occupation in West Kalimantan, the forces of the Battle of Madjang Village held a "victory celebration" (known as gawai Notokng) in Bonti, a sub-district in the Sanggau regency at that time.  (Rmsp)

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