Sentana Tourism Village: A Cultural and Historical Gem in Sanggau, West Kalimantan

Sanggau, West Kalimantan, is known as "Bumi Daranante." This nickname is deeply intertwined with the legendary tales and history of Sanggau.

Behind this title lies another central figure besides Daranante: Babai Cinga, the true heir to the land.

According to local belief and tradition, Babai Cinga hailed from the Entabai River region located in the upper reaches of the Sekayam River, an area known as Tampun Juah.

Legend of the Sekayam Estuary 

Local history records that the estuary of the Sekayam River, just below the Sekayam Suspension Bridge, was once the center of a royal civilization. The 1975 Lontaan records identify this location as a significant royal activity hub, highlighting its strategic importance in the region's history.

One of the well-known legendary tales in Sanggau is about Daranante, who is said to have miraculously become "pregnant" after consuming a cucumber that flowed from the Sekayam River.

This story mentions that the cucumber seeds actually originated from Babai Cinga, demonstrating the deep connection between legendary figures and the land of their origin.

This tale reinforces the relationship between Daranante and Babai Cinga and underscores the importance of the Sekayam River in local folklore and history.

The Charm of Sentana Tourism Village  

In the past, the palace area and the land across the Sekayam River, known as Santana, were the heart of the Sanggau kingdom. While the Sanggau palace still stands today, the area across the river and its estuary are known for their rich culture and history. To honor this historical wealth, the area has been named "Sentana Tourism Village."

Sentana Tourism Village is a precious area in terms of cultural heritage. Here, traditional wooden houses with thatched roofs made from the same material are preserved, creating a unique atmosphere steeped in history.

This traditional architecture not only enhances the beauty of the area but also serves as a strong reminder of the past glory and grandeur of the Sanggau kingdom.

Sentana Tourism Village functions as a place to preserve and celebrate local culture.

Visitors can experience the rich historical atmosphere through various cultural activities, festivals, and performances that depict daily life during the kingdom era. The village also offers opportunities for tourists to learn about customs and traditions that have been passed down through generations.

Sanggau, with its "Bumi Daranante" and Sentana Tourism Village, is a region that radiates historical and cultural richness.

From legendary tales to preserved ancient architecture, Sanggau offers a glimpse into the past that can be appreciated and enjoyed by everyone.

Sentana Tourism Village in Sanggau is precisely: historical and cultural tourism. Especially the original "Senganan" culture, where local characteristics blend with elements of foreign culture.

-- Rangkaya Bada

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