Agustus 2024

A Journey Along the Kapuas River: Exploring the Exotic Charms of Lawang Kuwari

The charm of historical and water tourism comes alive as you cross the Kapuas River in Lawang Kuwari, Sekadau Regency, Wes…

Agu 31, 2024

Pagu and the Rain Forest Lodge in Ba' Binuang

Pagu Kalvin in Dayak attire and attributes: quite impressive and dignified as a village chief. Photo credit: the writer. BOR…

Agu 31, 2024

Tracing the Footsteps of the Krayan River Civilization: Artifacts Believed to Be from the Stone Age Discovered

The people of Krayan hold and display agricultural and household tools from their ancestors. These artifacts were found in t…

Agu 30, 2024

The Hakka People in Singkawang, Pemangkat, and Sambas: A One-of-a-Kind Cultural Experience

Portrait of Hakka people in Pemangkat in the 1980s. Photo credit: the author. BORNEOTRAVEL  - PEMANGKAT:  If you ever get th…

Agu 30, 2024

Rainforest Inn Ba' Binuang: Embracing the Digital Age in the Heart of Borneo

Residents of Ba' Binuang, especially the Generation Z youth, seem to be flocking to the Rainforest inn now that its in…

Agu 30, 2024

Borneo Consists of 932 Islands

One snapshot of the heart of Borneo in the Krayan Highlands, North Kalimantan. Photo documentation by Formadat. BORNEOTRAVEL…

Agu 29, 2024

Exploring the Enchanting Beauty of Derawan, Sanglaki, and Kakaban Islands: Tropical Paradise Unveiled

The allure of the marine beauty of Borneo Island: Derawan, Sanglaki, and Kakaban. This image was captured on Sanglaki Isla…

Agu 29, 2024

Historical Exploration of Niah Cave: Trader’s Cave, The Price and Perils of Niah (10)

A close-up view of Gua Dagang (Trader’s Cave)  shows the remains of roofless structures still standing, made from very durab…

Agu 26, 2024

The Orchids of Krayan: A Jewel in Borneo's Natural Wealth

The charm of Krayan's natural beauty: wild and natural forest orchids. Photo Credit:Author. BORNEOTRAVEL  - TARAKAN:  …

Agu 26, 2024

Historical Exploration of Niah Cave: Local Legends and Folklore (9)

During the excavation of the historical site at Niah Caves, evidence was discovered—then scientifically tested—and it was fo…

Agu 26, 2024

Religi Tokugawa: Inspiration for the Indigenous People of Borneo in Facing Modernity and Openness

BORNEOTRAVEL  - JAKARTA:  At various tourist attractions, particularly those focused on eco-tourism and historical tourism, …

Agu 26, 2024