September 2024

Traditional Dayak Lundayeh Attire Crafted from Artocarpus Odoratissimus Bark: Elegance and Creativity

A Dayak Lundayeh couple (Marli Kamis and his wife) look great in their traditional attire made from artocarpus odoratissimus…

Sep 16, 2024

Penanjung Island, Sekadau: Spacious Pool, Cozy Café, and Miukang’s Creative Entertainment

The view at the Penanjung Island pool: For the people of Sekadau and the surrounding area, this place is quite adequate for …

Sep 16, 2024

The Balinese Vibe of Borneo: Experiencing the Pawintenan Ceremony in Batu Nindan Village, Kapuas Regency

Mr. I Nyoman Kadra is overseeing the Melaspas Ceremony. Photo by Ni Wayan Gater i. BORNEO TRAVEL  - PALANGKA RAYA  :  If you…

Sep 15, 2024

The Enchantment of Merasap Waterfall: A Touch of Heaven Descending onto Bengkayang

The natural beauty of the Merasap waterfall, Bengkayang, West Kalimantan.  Photo credit: Dewi Liana. BORNEO TRAVEL  :  Disco…

Sep 15, 2024

Eurycoma Longifolia | Earth Stake, a Borneo Plant Now in High Demand (1)

Pasak bumi (the earth stake) tree, along with its trunk and leaves, grows wild in the Borneo rainforest. Photo credit: the …

Sep 15, 2024

Segentar Alam: Exploring the History and Priceless Artifacts of Suryanegara Palace, Sanggau, West Borneo

The Segentar Alam meriam (cannon) in the historic Suryanegara Kingdom palace in Sanggau. Photo documentation: author . BORNE…

Sep 14, 2024

Pasak Bumi: Borneo’s Masculine Coffee That Will Leave You Curious and Addicted

Pasak Bumi Coffee in ready-to-serve packaging —just open, pour into a glass with hot water— showcases Malaysian creativity. …

Sep 14, 2024

The Hearts of Borneo: Where and Why Is It Called That?

The map of the region, The Hearts of Borneo. Doc. Formadat. BORNEOTRAVEL  - TARAKAN:  The Hearts of Borneo—it's a term m…

Sep 13, 2024

Why You Should Travel and Explore Borneo?

Borneo is rich not just because of its vast and mostly untouched nature, but also because of its diverse flora and fauna, an…

Sep 12, 2024

Echoes of Empire: The Legacy and Future of Indonesia's Colonial Palaces from Batavia to IKN

The Governor-General's office of the Dutch East Indies (VOC) in old town Jakarta was the grandest in the Nusantara durin…

Sep 12, 2024

Mashed Cassava Leaves and Exploring Its Various Preparations in Borneo

Mashed cassava leaves. Tina Lie. BORNEOTRAVEL  - PONTIANAK:  If you ever find yourself traveling to the land of Borneo, make…

Sep 12, 2024