A Coastal Gem in Tarakan, North Kalimantan


The beautiful and enchanting Akmal Beach in Tarakan. Photo credit: Andreas Sony.

BORNEOTRAVEL -TARAKAN: In the bustling life of Tarakan, a small island in North Kalimantan, the beauty of the coast shines through. 

Often dubbed "Little Singapore," this city is a vibrant tapestry of cultures, despite its modest size. Every corner has a story, and one of its most enchanting tales begins at a stunning beach—Amal Beach.

 An adventure at Amal Beach

One sunny afternoon, a woman named Maya felt the urge to escape her daily routine. She craved tranquility and the fresh air that only a beach could provide. 

Excitedly, she hopped on her motorcycle and headed toward Amal Beach, a place that had always held a special spot in her heart. 

As she arrived, she was greeted by a breathtaking scene: pristine white sands, gentle waves lapping at the shore, and the sweet melody of birds singing among the trees.

Finding her favorite spot beneath a coconut palm, Maya settled in, letting the soft breeze envelop her. She pulled out her notebook, ready to write. Recently, she’d read about the natural wealth of Tarakan, and today felt like the perfect opportunity to express her gratitude.

As she immersed herself in thought, the laughter of children playing nearby caught her attention. They were joyfully racing along the beach, building magnificent sandcastles. Maya smiled, reminiscing about her own childhood memories. Here, amidst laughter and happiness, she sensed a magic that connected everyone.

Exploring the wonders of mangroves

After a few hours of relaxation, Maya felt a pull to explore further. She wandered toward the mangrove forest just a short distance from the beach. 

As she stepped onto the narrow paths flanked by towering trees, a profound sense of peace washed over her. The sound of crashing waves faded into the background, replaced by the rustling leaves stirred by the wind.

As she strolled, Maya noticed a group of young people tending to the mangrove plants. With enthusiasm, they were cleaning the area and planting new seedlings. 

Intrigued, she paused, captivated by their dedication. It turned out to be a collaborative effort involving the Tarakan Police, the military, and local communities to preserve the environment. Maya felt a surge of pride for being part of such a caring community.

Joining them, she helped plant a few mangrove saplings. While doing so, they shared stories about the importance of the mangrove ecosystem in protecting the coast from erosion and providing habitat for diverse species. Maya felt a deep connection with them, embracing the spirit of camaraderie that flowed through their conversations.

Preserving paradise for the future

After a day filled with exploration, Maya returned to Amal Beach as the sun began to set. 

The sky was painted in golden oranges, and the waves sparkled like jewels. Sitting on the sand, she reflected on all the experiences she had just gathered. She realized how vital it was to preserve this natural beauty for future generations.

“If we don’t take care of it, who will?” she thought. Determined, she resolved to invite more people to visit Amal Beach and engage in environmental preservation. It was more than just a getaway; it was about actively participating in protecting nature.

With renewed passion, Maya began to write in her notebook, capturing all that she had seen and felt. 

At the end of her entry, she penned, “Let’s cherish and protect Amal Beach so that its beauty can be enjoyed not just by us but by our children and grandchildren.”

With that hopeful thought, she left the beach, confident that every small step toward preservation would create a significant impact for the future. 

Tarakan, with all its charm, would continue to shine, and Amal Beach would always be the heart of that beauty.

-- Bajik Amai

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