Batu Kursi: The Wonder, Natural Charm, and Legends of Krayan

As the first discoverer of this stone, Santo Kamis named it "Batu Kursi. Doc. Santo Kamis. 
BORNEOTRAVEL - MALINAU: If you ever find yourself traveling to Krayan, the heart of Borneo, make sure to visit "Batu Kursi." 

What makes this natural stone so unique? Nestled in Nunukan, North Kalimantan, Krayan is steeped in mysteries yet to be fully uncovered. With its stunning landscapes and rich stories, this region is a treasure trove of secrets waiting to be explored.

Explore Batu Kursi: mystique of Krayan

Known as Batu Bara' or the "Swollen Stone," this remarkable boulder sits along the Krayan River in Tanjung Pasir Long Rungan. 

According to local Dayak Lengilo' folklore, this stone is believed to possess mystical powers; anyone who dares to touch it may find themselves mysteriously swelling. Historically, the community revered this stone, avoiding it out of deep respect, viewing it as a sacred entity that holds the essence of their beliefs.

Over time, Batu Bara' has transformed into a captivating tourist attraction along the Krayan River. 

Visitors flock to witness the breathtaking natural beauty and absorb the enchanting tales surrounding the stone, from stories of ancestral spirits to local legends that add an aura of mystique to the site. Despite its new role as a tourist destination, the local community remains committed to preserving its authenticity as a vital piece of cultural heritage, ensuring that its significance is not lost amid the influx of visitors.

Batu Bengkak: Nature's artistry and spiritual connection

The allure of Batu Bara' goes beyond mere spectacle; it symbolizes the continuity of traditions and beliefs deeply rooted in local culture. This stone, with its fascinating stories, is destined to become a one-of-a-kind historical tourist site, where travelers can connect with the rich heritage of the area.

Resembling a grand chair, Batu Bengkak stands majestically, embodying strength and resilience etched by time. Surrounded by serene silence, occasionally interrupted by the gentle flow of the Krayan River, the stone invites every gaze to pause and admire its grandeur. More than just a lifeless object, Batu Bengkak is a silent witness to nature's enduring artistry, representing the natural beauty and the spiritual significance that the local people attribute to it.

As you approach Batu Bengkak, you may feel a calm energy greeting your spirit. The cool air envelops you, creating an impression that you are facing a masterpiece of nature. Its chair-like form isn't mere coincidence; it's an invitation from the earth for visitors to sit, relax, and reflect. This unique shape serves as a reminder of the harmony between humanity and nature, encouraging moments of contemplation.

Visiting Batu Bengkak becomes more than just a nature trip; it transforms into a spiritual journey, prompting us to contemplate our existence within the universe. 

The Creator, in a mysterious way, has not only carved Batu Bengkak but also countless other wonders around the world. These silent works resonate with themes of strength, resilience, and, above all, the magnificence of creation, illustrating the intricate balance of life.

Taking a moment to sit near Batu Bengkak and allowing your gaze to meld with the surrounding nature reveals that true wonder lies not just in the stone itself. It resides in our ability, as part of the universe, to feel and appreciate the beauty that nature offers freely. This realization brings to light that every element, big or small, plays a role in the broader story of life, encouraging visitors to embrace a sense of interconnectedness with the world around them.

Thus, visiting Batu Bengkak isn’t just about marveling at its unique shape. It’s about sensing the connection we share with nature and recognizing our place within it. We’re invited to appreciate the Creator's work and discover peace amid the vast wonders of the universe. In its simplicity, Batu Bengkak teaches us about the greatness, resilience, and beauty surrounding us, waiting to be recognized and cherished.

As the first discoverer of this stone, Santo Kamis named it "Batu Kursi." 

Although once people were hesitant to approach or touch it, today many are drawn to visit and even sit upon it. Santo Kamis, the finder of this magical stone, now sits upon the throne of the Natural Chair, embodying the spirit of curiosity and reverence that continues to inspire those who come to experience its wonders.

This story illustrates how an object once viewed as mystical can transform into an intriguing tourist attraction. It invites explorers to delve into the deeper meanings and experiences found in the heart of Borneo.

-- Lingu Tawak Lengilo

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