Amal Beach; A Coastal Gem in Tarakan, North Kalimantan
The beautiful and enchanting Amal Beach in Tarakan. Photo credit: Andreas Sony. BORNEOTRAVEL -TARAKAN: In the bustling l…
The beautiful and enchanting Amal Beach in Tarakan. Photo credit: Andreas Sony. BORNEOTRAVEL -TARAKAN: In the bustling l…
The terong Dayak that has become a delicious dish is ready to eat. Photo credit: the author. BORNEOTRAVEL - SEKADAU; Tero…
Domestic tourists enjoy visiting Simping, the smallest island in the world in Singkawang, West Kalimantan . BORNEOTRAVEL - …
Apai Jangut reading in the longhouse is a powerful image that speaks to the role of leadership in safeguarding both traditio…
The appearance of mentawa, the sultan’s fruit. Photo credit: Ernawati. BORNEOTRAVEL - PONTIANAK: The scenic route through …
The history of Tampun Juah comes alive in the Dayak Ketapang language, spoken in the Bidayuhik dialect. Immerse yourself i…
Suherman. Photo credit: the author. BORNEOTRAVEL - Sanggau, Thursday (December 19, 2024) – A vibrant celebration of natur…
Historic Dayak site, Tampun Juah, West Kalimantan. Photo credit: Greg Sabinus. BORNEOTRAVEL - NOYAN: Dionisius Meligun, a C…
The historic site of Tampun Juah, nestled in the Segumon area of Upper Sekayam, continues to stand as a silent witness to th…
Itoi and the staff are proud to showcase their locally produced Aren Sugar products. Credit photo. TA. BORNEOTRAVEL - SINTA…
Njau Anau: North Kalimantan Targets Growth as a Leading Tourist Destination. Photo credit: Njau Anau. BORNEOTRAVEL - TANJU…
T itle: Pakat Dayak: Sejarah Integrasi dan Jatidiri Masyarakat Dayak Daerah Kalimantan Tengah Author: Prof. KMA M. Usop, M…
The monument commemorating the landing of the Hakka/Khek people in Pemangkat, Borneo. There is always valid historical evi…